ACTUALLY SOLD OUT. Some call the AVEYRONNAIS the ‘LAGUIOLE of the poor’, but that misses the point. The AVEYRONNAIS (pronounced \a.ve.ʁɔ.nɛ\) is more purist than a ... know more
ACTUALLY SOLD OUT. Some call the AVEYRONNAIS the ‘LAGUIOLE of the poor’, but that misses the point. The AVEYRONNAIS (pronounced \a.ve.ʁɔ.nɛ\) is more purist than a LAGUIOLE, as it dispenses with all unnecessary elements. Many people therefore prefer it to a LAGUIOLE, and not just in the Massif-Central, where it is at home. Above all, an AVEYRONNAIS dispenses with the bee, the ‘mouche’, as it should be called in the technical language of cutlers. It is the relict of an ancient locking mechanism that is not functionally required for LAGUIOLES, as the AVEYRONNAIS is such a knife, because LAGUIOLES were hardly ever locked. As it is neither structurally nor functionally necessary, it is purely decorative and therefore completely superfluous in terms of this knife.
The AVEYRONNAIS only accepts a front mitre, which gives the blade additional stability and simplifies the knivemaker its assembly. It dispenses with the back mitre as well as all other additional parts such as a corkscrew or awl. The AVEYRONNAIS is a pure knife. Basta !
The handle has always been made exclusively from the horn of regionally bred cattle. The blades are authentically forged from carbon steel. Like the LAGUIOLE, it was originally a working knife; the knife of cattle breeders, farmers and ‘routiers’, the travelling traders from Auvergne who moved throughout France and as far to Spain to trade the specialities of their home region. It has the same lines and elegance of the LAGUIOLE, but is more purist ... which is precisely why people love it.
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